This is written from my personal point of view...the view of a teen mother after the child is no longer a teen him self...a view compiled from years of child raising...mine and their well as five years of "Higher Level Learning". (A fancy term for college.)
My opinion? Some kids will and some kids won’t. I do not believe the choice is solely based on the child’s up bringing...I believe it is more of positioning in the family, social influences, and the ambitions of the child it self.
Psychologists have studied sex and all the various issues surrounding it in depth...Freud was big on believing that our world revolves around sex from the time we are infants...his theories are correct and have been proven in most cases...they have been taken and added to with many years of research...Freud was considered "extreme". From his studies Behavioral Psychology began...Behavioral Psychologists believe our lives are patterned by nurture with nature playing only a minor role...Pavlov studied these theories in depth his most famous study being..."the salivating dog". Pavlov proved that an animal could be trained to salivate (showing a mental need for food) at the ringing of a bell...even after the critter was fed and full he would still salivate when the bell rang...thus his brain was trained....Pavlov proved we can train our brains like any other muscle in our bodies...Religion has been doing it for years...parents do it to young children...and our social circles also train our brains to like a certain body and life style.
So where does sex fit in? Though out our whole infants we are born with "basic" survival instincts...the need for food, warmth, safety, and love. Infants have proven this theory for eons...the infant raised in a crib at an orphanage with out the snuggles and loves a normal child would get grows to be "detached". Statistics show that these children grow up with very negative views on life...possibly ending up in the prison system eventually...studies show this process can be reversed with lots of love and patience.
So as an infant our bodies need and desire being held...Freud claims this is early sex yearnings...I believe this is a sign that the human is suppose to "connect" to each other...
An infant’s brain is born to seek warmth and that infant grows it learns it can control its also learns that it can give itself pleasure...
At around two...when the child can finally reach what’s been hiding in a diaper it begins to explore. NOW is when nurture enters the picture...a parent who screams at the child that this is NOT right...will change the images a child’s brain has on self comfort...this child will begin to refrain from making him or her self feel good in both sexual and non-sexual ways. A fear of "feeling good" will become implanted in the child’s brain and the need to be loved is strong so it will go against nature and stop anything that makes him feel good. Thus the beginning of negative interactions with our selves and others; comforting our selves is an important task in other areas of our lives.
Now if the parent tells the child to go to their room and do that. "It's your private place. No one else needs or can share it with you..." Then lets it drop...this child will learn that it can make it self feel better...eventually the "touching" will quit for a few years and the child will move onto a different level of learning to comfort him self.
Until we are about 5 our worlds revolve around mom and dad...our brains do not register there is life out side of the family...As we grow our brains allow us to take in and conceive information at a different level...a child of three conceives a kiss as a way to show love...nothing sexual. A child at 5 will run and tell the neighbors his or her parents are "doing it" for that same kiss. This child is at an age where it's brain is learning it has it's own is no longer thinking like it did a few months ago...the world begins to evolve into a society not just a family at this age...
Where does sex fit in here? Self-vs-self....this child is beginning to understand the make up of a family...daddy is a boy, mommy is a girl...only girls can be mommy’s and only boys can be daddies. Thus the "playing house" years begin. Boys and girls alike will be exploring their gender roles at this age. Boys will begin playing "only boy roles" and girls "girly" roles. Thus that kiss equals sex and sex makes babies.
Now as a parent this is the time to begin answering questions and paying very close attention to the children at play. This is the age that "doctor, doctor" and "check ups" begin. An age where many young children are now being accused of molesting younger ones, a natural role for our brains has become a challenge to our society for change. It WON’T happen. You can only suppress this instinct NOT get rid of it. Children should be encouraged to experience the gender roles. They should be encouraged to do it in proper ways. If a child is found in a compromising action, this action should be dealt with by explanation. Explaining to the children involved that it is not okay to look at or touch one another at this age. Answering questions with the truth is important. At five the child does not need to know "how", but the "when, and whys" are important to them. Brief "This is not a good way to play. You are not yet old enough to look at or touch another or be looked at or touched. These feelings feel good now...and your welcomes to play alone in your room...but you’re not allowed to share them with other kids." By acknowledging the child’s feelings you are not “denying” they have them…it may take a few rounds but the child will learn that these “feelings” are natural and the curiosity for them will fade for a few more years.
I was once told…”Never tell your child something you will have to un-tell them someday.” This is the age of honesty…respect for us as people not just parents begins to bloom at this age. A respect that should be nourished it will come in handy in future years.