All right lets discuss the Baptist Temple and their issues on "tax discrimination". It seems to me that a church of this magnitude would be happy to pay the extra taxes on the properties it owns...seems money is not an issue when the Church itself is a Monument of sorts.
I do not understand how a religious institution can be so hypocritical...they will only help their own...I do not believe that Jesus had this in mind...I do believe he is said to have died for all of our sins...not just the ABT patrons. I also believe his message preached "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU."
I fear that money has once again taken it's evil roots into the church. For years it has been known that the Catholic churches hold a huge bank the ABT competing? Does a church realy need to hold onto money...Seems that the money would benifitt our communities immensely...the extra taxes from the property owned by the Baptist Temple will be put back into the very community the claim to want to save...
From reading this and other articles about the subject I feel I can safely say...the Anchorage Baptist Temple wants to save your the price of your offering every Sunday and Wednesday...the increase in YOUR property taxes but not theirs...
But on the up side...your soul will be saved in a beautiful building that has cost you as a paton of the church, part of your already stretched budget. Your property taxes, that seem to spike every election, will continue to keep this building safe from crooks and fire...the roads to it clear and smooth, and should the need arise...if you are a patron of the church...they will compensate your investment with a small donation to help pay your electric bill, which you could afford if they would just take over their own share of property taxses.
The ABT situation simply got out of control. Property tax exemptions for churches were originally intended only for the church building itself and the pastor's residence (for the LDS Church, I would also exempt their temples, because they're also for religious ceremonies only). We need to return to that standard, and make it applicable to all churches.
church or not...I believe that a religious institution has a responbsibility to our community as well as our souls...a chuch makes money...a church should have to pay taxses...they utalize the same fire department I do...the same police department and I do believe they travell on the road out side my home even more than I paying taxes they are doing their part as a community member as well as setting an example for their patrons...
DO UNTO OTHERS!!!! Seems to be forgotten in todays religious sects.
i agree with you, even if i do not live in ancorage. Even if it is not mandatory, it would be awesome to see the church give up a little extra to the community. What good is a beautiful church if the raod is so bad to it no one will go.
Ummm---folks its a you think they do not give back?
I do agree that they should be paying taxs on thier properties outside "the church" and they shouldn't be using our city police as traffic cops on sunday...But I know they do alot for the community.
Like free babysitting on sunday...they even pick the kids up!
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