Friday, April 18, 2008

Pass Over...Week of Unleavened Bread


I realize many think I am off my rocker, so to speak, I want to assure them that I have never been more sane in my life. Questions who’s answers once eluded me are being answered with truth, faith and facts.

So for starters…Pass Over. Many years in church and this Holy Day now makes sense to me. My past taught me that this is a time for Jesus to bless and forgive us for our sins. A Sunday when being at church is of utmost importance…

So we arrived in our best clothes, rested and ready to “repent” and be forgiven. A band aid to heal our souls. After a sermon of how Jesus died for us and how we should repent we went to the front of the church, bowed down before the pastor and received our “offering” of the “flesh and blood”. We returned to our seats, sung a gospel from Psalms prayed and that was it…over. All forgiven. Go back to your lives just be sure to be here in a month to do this again.

Wrong, all of it, many religions practice a Kosher Diet for Pass Over and the week of unleavened bread…now I had to ask…what the heck is a week of unleavened bread…never hear of this in my church’s past.

So as the story goes…..

Many long years ago Jesus Christ came to this earth in the form of a man, born of a virgin mother. He did this to relieve mankind of the need for killing to sacrifice. He gave his flesh and blood to protect and save everything. Murder is a sin. A GOD fearing human will not kill another for any reason unless told to by GOD himself…but this has not been done in thousands of years…another reason Jesus came to this earth.

During Jesus’ life time on this earth he was tempted, as all men are, by sin; he stood firm to the WORD of GOD, being GOD like in a mans body allowed him to be able to do this, he was also man though, he prayed to HIS FATHER the night he was taken to be crucified and he asked to be spared this coming of events if it were at all possible. Yet he suffered torture at the hands of man for hours and only asked for them to be forgiven as they do not know. AMAZING the strength of faith.

Okay before this prayer and his capture he had a dinner with his disciples. He spoke to them of the things to come and the way they would respond. He forecasted for them how they themselves would behave after his death, and he was right. Peter Paul and Mark all mention these in their writings of this time. After washing their hands in a ceremonial bowl Jesus took the loaf of bread and blessed it and gave it to his disciples saying “Take and eat; this is my body.” (Mathews…but you got to read the whole book…hehe)

He went on to ask the men he called brothers to honor him once a year by eating only unleavened bread for the week after Pass Over…the Week Of Unleavened Bread. Now why is it that simple…a memorial for Jesus…one week a year…no leavened bread…yet religion has blow it up to be special foods and drinks…He did not make it hard…just asked to be remembered and honored for one week a year.

Now I have always thanked Jesus daily, but to give him one week a year to think of his sacrifices every time I ate unleavened bread…I would have done that he did a lot more than that for me.

But…this goes back before Jesus time…Moses removed the Israelites (GODs people) from the Egyptians on Pass Over too. Pass Over was planned by GOD when man first came about. Many times over now Pass Over has come and gone with no one realizing it.

Noah…Pass Over.

Jericho…Pass Over.

Babylon…Pass Over…

And the history goes on and on…Pass Over…the one and only time that many got to show the LORD they were with him…the consequences have been deadly…

How long could they tread water?

A city surrounded and built of brick must have hurt when it crumbled down.

Babylon….now no one can understand anyone else…and the tribes were sent to different regions or killed.

In the past before Jesus came and sacrificed himself for us Pass Over required a lot of preparations and planning…Jesus died a horrible death to ease the burden of Pass Over, in hopes that many would stick with it instead of straying…GOD tried, we wanted more.

So now Pass Over…first Sabbath is not Sunday as the Roman Catholic Church has lead us to believe….they made the calendar…look it up. Sabbath is and always has been on a Saturday. Starting as all days were meant to…at sundown the day before…God intended sundown to end one day and begin the next…not midnight.

At sundown tonight Pass Over begins. It will end at sundown tomorrow night. To honor Pass Over one must have faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and to show him so it is simple…honor the Seventh day Sabbath…do not work…study and play what more could one want on a Saturday. If it is a Pass Over Sabbath as this one is…you simply throw away all leavening agents in your home and any breads you have made with them. Simple nothing fancy to eat or prepare…JESUS died to alleviate that. Now a meal should be planned for the Pass Over after sundown on Friday instead of the normal dinner hour…with unleavened bread…then one week of eating it and thanking JESUS for what he has done for us. Changing our ways, and accepting that HIS KINGDOM will govern this earth anyway.

Many will not have read this far. I am posting this because I hope someday they may want the answers to these questions and I know I have posted them to the best of my understanding. I am just a student here too, but eager to learn more.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Where can faith be found? Hmm a rhetorical question and I do not think you will find faith on your local super market shelves. I am under the belief that a church is a place to find faith, but it will not be handed out with the prayer book. You can have faith that the Welfare line will be long and painful, but this is not the faith we are looking for.

Faith first and foremost must come from deep with in ones inner being. Faith that the world around us will eventually be good over evil. Faith that there is more to the puzzle that meats the eye.

Many have issues with religion, but all religions have a common ground that can not be disputed, the need for good or evil to prevail. Whether they believe in one GOD or many the point is faith, faith that something more is out there to help. I asked "Jesus into my heart" as a small child. I did not know what this meant other that someone somewhere with a lot of power loved me. Through the Bible stories of my youth I learned that punishment is not always a bad thing. It teaches us to learn from our mistakes on this plane in hopes that when we leave it will be to a better one.

Faith can not come from religion alone. Many attend church thinking this is what it takes to get to heaven. Many attend for the social life and sense of community a church has to offer. The seeds of faith planted will not grow without nourishment and care, was the moral to a story Jesus told the Israelites on their journey to Egypt. I do not think he was referring to crops.

In has been proven that Jesus walked this earth, that in itself should give one faith in the stories he told of achieving paradise. I now know that asking Jesus into my heart was not the way to faith and a better world, but it was a start. I realize now that faith coming from with in brings great rewards. Rewards that no money could by. Faith from with in gives us power. Power to influence others, although I prefer the word "educate" as this power is often abused for self serving purposes or materialistic gain.

To start finding your faith is as simple as a thank you to someone on the street who moved out of your way. A smile to a stranger. Thanking the air around you when you narrowly avoid an accident. Some would say this is an institution able event, talking to oneself in third party. I disagree.

Deep with in each of us lies and ego and an id. These two have many different names of reference but it boils down to one thing, good and evil. Id is buried deep often referred to as our consciouses. Babies are born with their Id as it holds the basic instincts for survival. Soon after birth the ego kicks in. Now ego is not all bad but it does tend to lose track and become self serving. With faith the Id has power over the ego, power to assist it in seeing things from others point of view. This power is strong when used for the good of all living things.

Faith is found inside, we are born with it we just have to learn how to use it properly. Faith can be nurtured anywhere but a church is a good place to start. The environment is calming and allows one to "touch" their inner self, for a brief period of the week, gaining energy to fight off the evil of the ego.

Faith is the answer to our problems and the balm to cure our fears. Mix in some humor and a bit of love and you have the perfect recipe for paradise.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Romans 1:24

I say never read a phrase from a book and judge that book with out reading the whole book...but the book of Romans is good reading.

Therefore GOD gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen

Paul here is talking to the gentiles about GODs wrath against mankind, why he has to do it.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bible on fast track...we are out of time.

Let’s start in Eden, a garden of happiness and love, no worries, jealousy or negative energy, and just one rule. One rule that we could not obey. Yes blame the woman, her curiosity and need to know everything got us all in trouble. Although man is not free of blame, what he will do for a pretty face, or maybe it has something to do with the need to be mothered, either way, he too ate the apple and he too was banished from paradise to learn of the evil they were promised they would learn should they touch that tree….

Thus…tough love…THE FATHER told them not to do something…they did it…and he had to follow through.

It has taken man a very long time to learn this lesson though, and most are still not getting it.

OUR FATHER had hopes though and he sent many prophets of great wonders to this earth to prove HE is who HE says HE is. Through Moses the Israelites, saved from Egypt, punished and tested, and saved again, yet they still could not hold onto faith.

Noah had faith, did what he was told, and floated away on a very BIG boat while others learned to tread water.

Now let’s talk Babylon….many children given a task and all they did was fight over who was right and who was wrong…FATHER sent them to separate corners and made it so they could not speak to each other…smart I would say when the children will not quit arguing.

So when all “magic” failed to make people see the TRUTH. HE made the ultimate sacrifice. HE gave us his SON. Hello people how many of you would give your son to the world…knowing he would be killed? GOD did this for us. We did not even accept that gift. Why?

Oh wait I know that answer. GREED and the NEED to be right ALL THE TIME.

Self satisfaction and the need to make “life easier”…which by the way only made it tougher if you have ever been penniless and in the street…see there are no springs to wash clothes in anymore. There are no places the poor can build their tents and live the life GOD asked them to, man will not allow it. We have made rules and laws preventing people from living the life GOD wanted us to live. The life JESUS lived as an example to us. Boy do I wish we had paid attention to that lesson.

So JESUS dies, by his own people by the way. At this point the “law” found him guilty of nothing. The masses wanted HIM dead. It is in the BOOK. JESUS forgave his killers before he was even hung on that cross. Why did we not learn then?

Money. The root of all evil. Runs this world or it will for another week or so.

Sell your stocks, chuck the bonds and give up on that 401K….retirement will be just as JESUS told us it would be. As HIS and OUR father wants it to be.

This will be one of the last things I post on this blog.

I know that the COMING is near. I know that GOD will take care of those that are willing to give it all up and prove to HIM that they LOVE HIM and the WORLD HE made for us.

When the Seventh SEAL of the scroll is open…oh by the way…that happened already…read the BOOK, The angels were asked to hold off while GOD finished gathering his people as many have strayed and are just now hearing him. If they listen deep with in their own selves…remember he will NOT talk to anyone at the moment he tried that already…we did not listen.

A great pain will shake the earth similar to that of a woman in labor. The pains will get worse and worse until the COMING of CHRIST and his army of 144,000.

First the pains are induced by mankind…through war, distraught and hatred. Then very soon as we are at the end, the pains will increase, thunder lightening and rain will be the least of our worries. Fires floods and earth quakes will get those that are not listening.

If your still not convinced well here come the plagues. People of little or no faith will suffer great illness for five months. Illness that makes one wish for death, yet here the magic will come in, YOU WONT GET IT. Not then anyway. You will be so sick yet you will not die. GOD says it is so and I BELIEVE HIM!

Still unconvinced, well then comes the plague of demons. These will not be real demons as we think they should look. They will come in the form of a VERY LARGE army. One that no man ever thought would prevail as we have kept those people “secured” in the world we wanted them in for way to long.

Picture it…two million little Jackie Chans. Mortal combat at it’s finest. GOD states that this army will have great powers. They will get their revenge on the ones that have held them at bay for eons.

Then and only then will GOD allow man to suffer for hurting those he protected. His army of SAINTS that await to govern this world. He has already assured them that their time for retaliation will come.

This army will only be defeated when JESUS himself comes to finish up the mess we make over the next three years.

Now…the Pope….where ever he may be…will be brought before JESUS and he then will be faced with the consequences for his actions. Leading GODS people astray is not a sin I would want to have to answer too…terrorist at it’s finest I would say.

So as with all good stories…there is a happy ending for those who believe. To sit at the feet of the GREATEST HUMAN that ever walked this earth. To hear the lessons we were suppose to learn from his beautiful mouth. To look in his eyes and see the love that HE has for all of us.

Three years is NOTHING for restriction if I am promised a place of PEACE HAPPINESS and UTOPIA…..yes father soon the Utopia I dream of will be here…I just hope to survive till then.



I want to ask my family and friends to please forgive any wrong doings I have done. I have never really held a grudge, but those that I have had bad feelings for, I have dealt with. I am truly sorry for any heart ache and pain I have caused another…except for this letter. If you are feeling heart ache and pain…look deeper for the real reasons.

To each his own is a thing of sin. It means nothing to GOD at this moment. He wants FAITH he wants us to listen with our hearts where his breath took root on our births. He wants us to forget what the devil has taught our heads, brains are human and there fore good at being programmed.

There is but one army that will win this battle…

I am on that side.







THE ONE TRUE MAKER OF ALL THINGS……GOD…will win this war.(he made it people, he knows how it will end.)

To you all,

My love in our FATHER be with you

A humble servant of HIM


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The SEAL is OPEN...wake up please.

As prophesied by someone I now consider a mentor, a major official would visit the United States of America during this years Pass Over...a BIBLICAL term I will tell you about if you truly seek to has been announced that the Pope will be in NY on April 17...may be a day off but it does not matter in the over all scheme of things. During this time if you are watching our economy you will note an increase (a false security I assure you). A meeting between him and the President will end with a few other nations being quite angry at it appears that the Seventh Seal of the Revelations has been unsealed by JESUS (as he is the only one that can remove them) and the first of several prophesied events will begin to unfold)

Oh if your not packed yet...better get started...and remember NOTHING is important of this world anymore but what you need to survive 3.5 years till JESUS shows up again...better put your BIBLE on the top of the list...I will share, but you cant have mine. It contains my FATHERS words, and I was taught by my father...Obey your mother and your father.

Please friends hear with your heart...research quick if you must as the signs of evil will be increasing it wont take long to notice a pattern...but at this point...OUR FATHER is none to happy with the way we have treated our brothers, sisters and home.


AMEN and GOD BLESS you all.

Just an interesting Article...

Did you know Mr. Bush has a personal friendship with attention to the last paragraph...then go READ the BOOK of is in the BIBLE...if anyone out there does not know that...seem a certain SEAL mentioned in this BOOK makes a specific reference to a peace treaty of this sort...hmmm...