Sunday, April 06, 2008


Where can faith be found? Hmm a rhetorical question and I do not think you will find faith on your local super market shelves. I am under the belief that a church is a place to find faith, but it will not be handed out with the prayer book. You can have faith that the Welfare line will be long and painful, but this is not the faith we are looking for.

Faith first and foremost must come from deep with in ones inner being. Faith that the world around us will eventually be good over evil. Faith that there is more to the puzzle that meats the eye.

Many have issues with religion, but all religions have a common ground that can not be disputed, the need for good or evil to prevail. Whether they believe in one GOD or many the point is faith, faith that something more is out there to help. I asked "Jesus into my heart" as a small child. I did not know what this meant other that someone somewhere with a lot of power loved me. Through the Bible stories of my youth I learned that punishment is not always a bad thing. It teaches us to learn from our mistakes on this plane in hopes that when we leave it will be to a better one.

Faith can not come from religion alone. Many attend church thinking this is what it takes to get to heaven. Many attend for the social life and sense of community a church has to offer. The seeds of faith planted will not grow without nourishment and care, was the moral to a story Jesus told the Israelites on their journey to Egypt. I do not think he was referring to crops.

In has been proven that Jesus walked this earth, that in itself should give one faith in the stories he told of achieving paradise. I now know that asking Jesus into my heart was not the way to faith and a better world, but it was a start. I realize now that faith coming from with in brings great rewards. Rewards that no money could by. Faith from with in gives us power. Power to influence others, although I prefer the word "educate" as this power is often abused for self serving purposes or materialistic gain.

To start finding your faith is as simple as a thank you to someone on the street who moved out of your way. A smile to a stranger. Thanking the air around you when you narrowly avoid an accident. Some would say this is an institution able event, talking to oneself in third party. I disagree.

Deep with in each of us lies and ego and an id. These two have many different names of reference but it boils down to one thing, good and evil. Id is buried deep often referred to as our consciouses. Babies are born with their Id as it holds the basic instincts for survival. Soon after birth the ego kicks in. Now ego is not all bad but it does tend to lose track and become self serving. With faith the Id has power over the ego, power to assist it in seeing things from others point of view. This power is strong when used for the good of all living things.

Faith is found inside, we are born with it we just have to learn how to use it properly. Faith can be nurtured anywhere but a church is a good place to start. The environment is calming and allows one to "touch" their inner self, for a brief period of the week, gaining energy to fight off the evil of the ego.

Faith is the answer to our problems and the balm to cure our fears. Mix in some humor and a bit of love and you have the perfect recipe for paradise.

1 comment:

real eyez said...

Shana, I like what you have written here. I especially like the last paragraph.
Sometimes faith is all you have.