Sunday, December 23, 2007

A question I have been asked...and the answer I give

Where is this world going?

Well the last I checked it was revolving around the sun in a somewhat circular motion while spinning on it's own axis. If I remember correctly it has been doing this for a very long time with out the aid of man kind and will probably continue to do so unless we blow it off course.

Now ask me where man kind is going on this world and I will tell you not to far. See the world is only so big. Man has floated around it, flown around it and even seen the entire thing from the area far outside our atmosphere. We have no where left to go. So now we must conquer ourselves.

This world is not going anywhere but man kind may turn it uninhabitable. So I guess you could say this world is rotating into evil. Evil deeper than many of us can handle. You know evil has the upper hand when even the churches back down at Christmas.

The war on Christmas is a very good indication. For many Christmas means "holy stuff". For others it means "presents for good little boys and girls". For some it still means PEACE on EARTH and GOOD WILL TO MAN. For the longest time we have relied on the church to bring us our faith we put the power of GOD into the institutions run by man. Men (and women)have selfish issues to conquer and many have "portrayed" themselves as "Godly Men" and used that power to harm others. This action set a bad example and became publicly exploited until many lost faith in religion all together.

As this faith dropped people began criticizing the church's and religion, evil began to brew as the people lost the thought that something somewhere might just "snuff you out" in an instant or condemn you to eternal hell. With out the fear of eternal consequences why does it matter how you treat someone else here on earth, as long as you are happy.

Evil grew more as people began needing more and more to be happy. Christmas, once a time for families and friends to gather and enjoy each others company after a long summer of harvesting and hunting. Now a time of rush and hurry to fit it all in after work that does not earn you enough to pay the bills let alone shop for anyone. A time when even enemies once laid down their swords for twenty four hours in honor of the potential for peace. Yet now neighbors can not wish each other Merry Christmas with out worrying about offending each other.

So where is our world going while it revolves around the bright warm sphere in the sky? No where unless we chose to stop it.

I prefer for it to continue to go no where and to do that we must all first learn to stand up for what is right. We as humans tend to "give credit" and "keep score" to the point that we miss the big picture. Churches allowing the "rights" of non-believers to over ride their own are the final step to this evil. Whether one believes in the church and it's preachings does not really make the difference, will one stand up for those beliefs? That makes the difference.

Jesus and many more after him lived and died for their beliefs. History has proven that Jesus did at one time walk this earth. I do not think Jesus would have wanted us to remember how he looked, or just his name. A famous painting or two. I think Jesus would have wanted us to know that this world is meant to be paradise. We chose to not let it be. Our own down falls of anger, jealousy and hatred will kill this world. Our need to achieve the highest level and when we do, we build another. Jesus would have wanted us to see that even though he had the right to be very pissed off at the people who he thought friends, he forgave them. Why? Because to have cursed and been angry at that point would have made his whole life and the purpose he lived it worthless. He showed strength by not allowing the anger to rule him while he died painfully.

So many more have tried to set this same example and have died in their attempts. Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, John Lennon Abraham Lincoln all men who spoke of peace and forgiveness. Men who were cursed and called names, then ultimately died still fighting for what they believed in.

Evil. It is getting stronger every day. This world is becoming an equivalent to hell on an axis. Murders, rape, slander, sloth, excuses, politics, medicine, science, gluttony, retail. The end of the world in the making...unless we figure it out. Goodness and forgiveness will save this world but only after evil is identified and conquered.

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