Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It has always been my belief that I would meet JESUS in my life time. Many years spent looking for the TRUE CHURCH OF GOD...I have found that it is not yet found a home...but is scattered throughout the world waiting for the time to congregate as one....a group of people that still hold faith in a Higher Power...a government that will control all men in this world as one...yet happiness and laughter will be in abundance....

This will be achieved in my life time...or I may die while it is being achieved...either way I will return and be an eternal part of paradise...I welcome the LORD JESUS into my home...his name comes from my lips with love as I begin to educate my children in the "true meaning of life"....

I truly hope that all who read this blog take the time to look deeply into themselves and ask..."Am I ready to meet GOD?"....to bad as he will not be back for 1003.5 years....but his son will be here in just 3.5 years....I am ready...are you?

Follow this link if you dare...it will challenge everything you were grown to believe in...but if you look deep in your heart you will hear these words ring true....

"There is only one TRUE CHURCH of GOD Abraham knew this...he passed this on to his sons...as time went on man for got this...now man is paying the ultimate price....How much are you willing to spend to save your life? Guess what...it wont cost a thing but your pride...swallowing it has NO calories but many fulfilling benefits....excepting that only one government can rule this world...the one ran by JESUS and the 144,000 true members of his fathers church...all waiting to come back and help us...govern us in the way man could not...

"May JESUS talk to each and everyone of you....showing you the way to paradise"


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